How Sealcoating Can Extend the Life of Your Asphalt Driveway
The sun and weather can wreak havoc on asphalt driveways and parking lots. Keeping up with regular seal coating helps extend the life of blacktop surfaces.

Sealcoating replenishes the petroleum binder that degrades with time. It also protects the aggregate and gives faded asphalt a new look. Gain more insights by visiting
Sealcoating is a great way to extend the life of your asphalt driveway or parking lot. It also helps improve your property’s curb appeal. Smooth, dark pavement looks clean and well-maintained. It is easier to keep your driveway, sidewalk or business parking lot free of debris and stains when it’s been sealed. It’s also easier to clean oil spills and other contaminants from a sealcoated surface than untreated pavement.
Refined coal tar is the most common type of binder used in today’s sealcoating applications. It has a similar molecular structure to asphalt and is very durable. It can withstand the destructive elements of weather, sun’s UV rays, salts, oils, gasoline and fats. It is known for its resistance to oxidation and aging and is the best choice for high-traffic areas.
Asphalt emulsion (AE) is the second most popular sealcoat material. It is a water-based liquid that contains bitumen or coal tar and sand or aggregate particles. It is very fast curing and has minimal drawbacks compared to the other types of sealcoat. This makes it a good choice for shopping centers, which often require large numbers of vehicles to park.
AE is more environmentally friendly than other sealcoats because it does not contain any petroleum products. It does not have the same strength as oil-based tars, so it may need to be reapplied sooner than other sealers.
Many big-box stores sell sealcoat in 5-gallon buckets with estimated lifespan ratings. However, it is always in your best interest to work with a local professional. They can provide you with a higher quality product that will last longer and help identify any other problems with your driveway or parking lot.
During the sealcoating process, workers must wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid exposing themselves to harmful fumes or particles. PPE includes coveralls, face masks, gloves and safety glasses. They must also avoid spraying when the temperature is too hot or when rain is forecast within 24 hours. For the sealcoat to bond with the asphalt, the temperature and humidity must be ideal. If they aren’t, the coating will flake and peel off the pavement.
Fast-Dry Tars
There are several types of fast-dry tars used to seal asphalt surfaces. Some are black, while others are light in color. These tars work by coating the surface of the asphalt, bonding it to it and sealing the cracks. They are generally non-toxic and safe to use. However, they may not last as long as other sealcoats.
The most common type of tar for a Sealcoating project is refined tar (RTS). This is a thick black liquid that is a byproduct of coal distillation. It contains a wide variety of chemicals that make it extremely stable and resistant to destructive elements such as weather, the sun’s UV rays and salts and other petrochemicals. It is the backbone of most sealcoat compositions and provides protection, preservation and beauty while adhering tenaciously to the asphalt pavement.
RTS is also a good choice for sealcoating projects that require the surfacing of new concrete or expansion joints. It is available in a variety of colors and is easy to apply using spray equipment. It is also easy to remove with a specialized solvent.
All tars for Sealcoating must be mixed with water, sand and additives in specific proportions to meet the manufacturer’s recommended mix designs. The additions serve various purposes, such as speeding drying time, altering sand suspension or improving flexibility and resistance to salts and other petrochemicals.
When the right mixture is applied, the process of fusion and the development of a continuous film takes place. The fusion of the binder particles with the aggregates and asphalt cement is enhanced by higher temperatures, but it is inhibited by colder conditions. This is why it is important to match the temperature of the pavement and air to that of the sealer.
Before sealcoating, the asphalt surface must be cleaned and swept to get rid of dirt, oil, grease and other materials that could prevent the sealcoat from firmly adhering to the surface. Workers need to wear gloves and masks during the entire process to protect themselves from exposure to harmful tar fumes. It is also a good idea to check the forecast and postpone the project if rain is in the near future.
Coal Tar
Coal tar is the black, viscous liquid that’s applied to many asphalt parking lots, driveways and playgrounds across North America to protect and beautify the underlying pavement surface. Unfortunately, despite its popularity, coal tar sealcoat is a potent source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in urban and suburban areas and poses a threat to human health and aquatic life. It’s also a major contributor to environmental problems such as waterway toxicity, erosion and sedimentation, and air quality degradation.
The main problem with coal tar is that it contains PAHs, which are carcinogenic and can cause cancer in humans when they come into contact with the skin or lungs. It’s also extremely flammable and corrosive, and some coal tars contain ingredients that are toxic to wildlife. One instance of exposure won’t do much harm, but repeated contact can have serious health effects over time.
As a result, the City of Austin, Texas and Dane County in Wisconsin have banned the use of coal tar-based sealcoat in their jurisdictions; however, Washington DC allows its use, but only on private property where cars are not allowed to park or traffic is light. To reduce the risk, homeowners should study the product label and choose an alternative such as asphalt-based sealcoat.
Another issue with coal tar is that it doesn’t stay put once it dries. Instead, it flakes off as dust and spreads around the area. This dust washes into stormwater and winds up in lakes, rivers and streams. It can also contaminate the homes of people living nearby, as it sticks to their shoes and is tracked into the home, where it mixes with household dust. The PAHs can then vaporize into the air, where they can be inhaled or ingested by humans and pets.
To limit the negative impacts of coal tar, contractors should follow proper application and mixing guidelines. They should only apply it when weather conditions are favorable and the pavement surface is clean, dry and free of all grease, oils and dirt. They should not add water or silica sand to the sealer, as this will lower the performance and longevity of the product.
The main purpose of sealcoating is to preserve and protect asphalt surfaces from weathering, oil spills and UV radiation. It’s also an excellent way to prevent cracks and other damages that can cost you money in the long run. A regularly scheduled sealcoating program can double the life of your asphalt and help keep your property looking beautiful.
There are many different kinds of bituminous based products that can be used in sealcoating including coal tar, asphalt emulsions, oil-based, fast-dry and acrylic tars. These products come in liquid formulations that can be applied with brush, spray or a squeegee. They contain ingredients that replenish oils and create a surfactant layer over the pavement surface. The most important ingredients of any sealcoating are the binder, clays and fillers that impart strength, flexibility, specific resistance to salts or petrochemicals and bond tenaciously to the asphalt pavement surface.
Coal tar is produced from bitumen that has been heated to high temperatures. This process thins the bitumen so it can be spread more easily over a pavement surface. The result is a dark color that acts as a thermal barrier. However, some studies suggest that coal tar can contribute to the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in creek and stream beds. These chemicals are known to be harmful if ingested by animals and can cause cancer in humans.
The other main ingredient is silica sand. It’s an inexpensive material that adds traction and strength to the coating. The sand particles interlock and strengthen the film when it’s wet. If the sealcoating dries too quickly, these particles don’t have an opportunity to interlock. As a result, the sealcoating may break apart during the drying process and release sand particles into the environment.
Modacrylic is a synthetic fiber made from the copolymer of acrylic acid and acrylonitrile. It contains at least 35% and up to 85% acrylonitrile. Modacrylic is flame retardant, which makes it a good choice for clothing, especially in areas that are exposed to extreme heat such as firefighter gear and military apparel. It’s also commonly used in faux fur, wigs and hair extensions.